The Winter Protection Pack - Product Application Guide
The Winter Protection Pack is designed to keep your lawn well protected for 12+ weeks over the colder period. In order to do so it requires 2 applications. The second application will be at least 6 weeks after the first.
Winter Protection Fertiliser
Spread 30g per SQM of Winter Protection Fertiliser using a spreader.
You can apply by hand (with gloves) but you must ensure an even coverage across the lawn or it will lead to uneven growth.
Try not to exceed the application amounts for your lawn size which are stated on the label.
Walk in lines from one end of the lawn to the other to ensure even coverage.
Doing multiple passes on the lawn helps even coverage (one can be up and down and the other side to side).
Seal the bag as best you can and store it in a cool, dry place, away from children and pets until the second application in 6 weeks time.
Biostimulant Booster
Apply 4-5ml per SQM of the Biostimulant Booster using a watering can with a fine rose head or using a pump/pressure spray.
The biostimulant must be diluted in water before application. The amount of water needed for your lawn size is on the label. Mix well in your chosen container before application.
The Biostimulant Booster can be mixed with the Deeper Green Iron Sulphate for a quicker application. Use the dilution rates for the Deeper Green Iron Sulphate if doing so.
Deeper Green Iron Sulphate
Apply the Deeper Green Iron Sulphate across the whole lawn evenly using a watering can with a fine rose head or a sprayer.
The dosage depends on the current condition of your lawn:
If your lawn has moss: apply at 5g per SQM. Rake out any black moss after 7-14 days and dispose.
If your lawn does not have moss: apply at 2.5g per SQM for turf hardening and disease resistance. Reseal and store it in a cool, dry place, away from children and pets until the second application in 6 weeks time.
Each method of application has a different dilution rate. Please refer to the Iron Sulphate Guide for full dilution rates and application methods.
Iron sulphate dilution example (medium dose in watering can)
10 SQM @ 2.5g/SQM - 25g in 5L of water
50 SQM @ 2.5g/SQM - 125g in 25L of water
Iron sulphate dilution example (medium dose in sprayer)
10 SQM @ 2.5g/SQM - 25g in 1.25L of water
50 SQM @ 2.5/SQM - 125g in 6.25L of water