Weed Control
Keeping on top of the weed population is important for your lawn to thrive as weeds will compete with your turf for sunlight, nutrients and water. On top of that they can be very unsightly!
Common lawn weeds include: daisy, clover, dandelion, buttercup and plantain.
Weeds that are more difficult to get rid of in lawns and which are more likely to require repeat application include: speedwell, lesser celandine, trefoil, yarrow and self-heal.
You will need to pull weeds manually or apply a quality selective (so you don't kill the grass!) herbicide to your lawn and be sure to take care as weed controls are usually harmful. Some weeds can be particularly hardy and may require repeat application. Keeping a well maintained and healthy lawn will help to prevent weeds from growing in the future.
Weedol usage guide